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The Dissolving of the Student Activities Board 

By: T. Kinkley, Campus News Writer

Pictured are three W&J students smiling and wearing W&J apparel.
In previous years, the Student Activities Board was mainly a student-run organization. (Photo Courtesy W&J College)
JAN.27 - On Dec. 7, 2022, Ty Laughlin sent out an email through the Student Activities Board Sakai page announcing that the board would be dissolving as of the end of the fall semester. Many people who volunteered took this as a surprise. It is said via the statement that was sent out that it was in deliberation for a while and that it was not an easy decision.  

Washington and Jefferson’s Student Activity Board was a student organization that had the goal of planning and promoting on and off-campus events for the student body. They were very well known for running the DubJay Diner in The Hub and many different bingo events. Many people were involved in volunteering with both bingo events and the diner. Every few weekends, an organization/club would take over DubJay Diner and students from the organization/club would volunteer to help serve, make milkshakes and make food.  
A picture of Old Main obscured by trees as seen from North College Street.
The Dubjay Diner is housed in the Hub, located near Old Main on W&J's campus. (Photo Courtesy W&J College)

The Student Activities Board clarified that the DubJay Diner will continue to run and be able to be reserved to be run by clubs. They have passed the responsibility to the Office of Student Involvement and Engagement, with the only possible change being the operating hours. They also assured in the email that this does not mean that student events and activities would decrease.  

In order to push the idea forward, Ty stated in the email that “the Office of Belonging and Engagement will be hiring a group of student interns and staff, with a structure very similar to SAB's, who will be responsible for planning events on campus. There is also a greater emphasis being placed on clubs and student organizations to help plan events on campus.”  

As for the reason that the Student Activities Board is disbanding, they gave a few answers but not much explanation behind them. “This choice was made as a result of many factors, including funding issues, lack of experience on the board, and lack of support. Overall, running SAB has become unsustainable for our board members.” Many people who attended Student Government had heard about the funding drop compared to last year, due to them trying to divide their money up in a more efficient way.  

“This choice [terminating SAB] was made as a result of many factors, including funding issues, lack of experience on the board, and lack of support. Overall, running SAB has become unsustainable for our board members.” - Laughlin
Over the course of this semester, it is hoped that more information will come out about what had happened, and further explanations for the choices that helped to decide the fate, so that the student body can learn more.  
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