Written by: Audrey Kough, Red & Black Campus Sports Writer

The temperature is cooling, the leaves are falling, and the seasons are changing in Washington, Pennsylvania. You know what this means? The transition from fall to winter sports. This means we are wrapping up: football, men and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, women’s field hockey, men and women’s golf, men and women’s tennis, and men’s water polo seasons. This means that we are now headed into men and women’s swimming and diving, men and women’s basketball and wrestling seasons.
While not all fall sports are finished with their season, most sports have less than a month remaining.
The football team is going strong with a record of 5-1 with 4 games remaining. Men’s soccer has a record of 6-5-1 with about two weeks of our games remaining, and then they move into post season championship games. Women’s soccer has a record of 4-3-5, with a couple games remaining and then they will also move into the post season.
Women’s volleyball has a record of 10-7 with few games remaining and then heading into the post season.
The field hockey team has a record of 5-7 and only three games remaining and then they will head to the Empire Eight championship games in early November.
Men’s water polo finished their regular season with a record of 7-5. They will head to Division III championships during the last week of October and then move onto conference championships in mid-November.
Women’s tennis finished up their fall season. The women’s team had a season record of 3-8. The team was at the President’s Athletic Conference (PAC) Championships on Oct. 11. The women’s team came close to winning in their first round of the championships but fell short to Westminster College. The women’s tennis team finished match play with a score of 3-5.
The men’s tennis team have a season record of 0-3 thus far into the season and have a couple more matches to compete in. Both men’s and women’s tennis will be returning in the spring to compete in the spring season at the conference. Lastly men and women’s golf have completed their regular seasons. Both teams were at the fall PAC championships Oct. 12-13. At the end of the tournament the men’s team placed third out of eight, and the women’s team finished second out of eight. Men and women’s golf will also both be returning to compete in the spring.
Moving full steam ahead, winter sports are in full swing preparing for their seasons. Men’s and women’s swimming and diving have been practicing for four weeks now. They will have their home and season opener on Oct. 15 against Penn State Altoona.
On the week of Oct. 10, the men and women's basketball teams began their regular season practices. Both teams are expected to begin competition in early November. The men and women’s basketball team are carrying on their legacy from last season, as both teams won their perspective PAC basketball championships. They are projected to be a force to be reckoned with this season. Wrestling started their season as well, on the week of Oct. 10 and they will start competing in early November. Overall fall athletes have worked and are prepared to finish out their seasons with a bang. With the fall season drawing to a close, winter sports teams begin conditioning to have successful seasons.
"The men and women’s basketball team are carrying on their legacy from last season, as both teams won their perspective PAC basketball championships."